Power of Positivity

Start the New Year by thinking positively! Spending five minutes each morning thinking positive thoughts has been proven to improve the outlook of a day. Try repeating simple statements in the mirror like; I AM ENOUGH. I AM SMART. I AM KIND. Ms. Kate has teamed up with Ms. Dana from the Madison Public Library … Continued

Learn coding and data science with O’Reilly!

Access a digital library of over 35,000 nonfiction ebooks on a wide range of topics, such as: technology, career guidance, health and wellness, gaming, and digital media. You can also take hundreds of high-quality digital courses and tutorials to help you get a competitive edge in the job market, learn a new skill, and increase … Continued

Get eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines on Libby!

The new go-to place for the latest ebooks, eaudiobooks, and emagazines is in the Libby app. Libby is Kindle-friendly, so if you like to read on a paperwhite device, you can now get your ebooks for free courtesy of the Library on Libby! Click below to learn more about this resource: If you have any … Continued

Try Out an Instrument!

Have you always wanted to learn how to play a musical instrument? Try it before you buy it! Our Library of Things offers several different musical instruments to choose from: an electronic drum kit, ukulele, and keyboard piano! Use the link below to reserve an item now. While you’re there, check out some of our … Continued

Visit a museum on us! New passes added!

Looking for something fun to do on the weekend? Have a birthday or family member coming for a visit soon? You can now reserve a museum pass in advance to be sure that the cultural experience of your choice is available for you on the date that you need it. Our Museum Pass program is … Continued