The Florham Park Public Library is thrilled to announce that it will be renovating the children’s area of the library beginning May 20, 2024. The renovation project includes new carpeting, new shelving and furniture, the incorporation of cozy reading nooks, and the addition of custom storage and play areas to the room. 

While the renovation is taking place, the Children’s Room will be closed to the public. A temporary browsing collection for children and teens will be housed in the current teen area of the library during this time. The children’s area is anticipated to reopen some time in July of this year.

The renovation project comes after nearly two years of planning that included community surveys and feedback and an extensive study of the collections and user behavior in the youth services area of the library. “Over and over again, we heard from community members that they wanted a space that is more interactive, playful, and comfortable for children and their families,” said Library Director Nancy Shah of the project. The library has observed a surge in interest and usage of the spaces, collections, and events aimed at young families with children in recent years, which is in line with a nation-wide trend in young people turning to public libraries for recreation and entertainment. “The last two years were our busiest years on record, and young people are driving that uptick in usage,” remarked Shah. According to Shah, the Children’s Room accounts for 20% of the Library’s space, and the collections housed there account for 45% of overall circulation. 

The renovated space will optimize the presentation of library materials and make it easier for users to find what they are looking for. The room will be organized so that the front of the space is oriented more toward infants, toddlers, and young children, while activities and collections intended for older children will be located farther back in the room. Throughout the space, a variety of seating options will cater equally to children and their caregivers to ensure people can comfortably enjoy the space and use it for extended periods of time. “People are looking for somewhere to go and hang out, and a public library is the ultimate stop because we have plenty to keep kids occupied and it’s all free!” said Shah.

Notice to Tutors:

While the renovation of the Children’s Room is taking place, the amount of space that may be used for the purpose of tutoring is severely limited. Please arrange to meet your students at an alternative location. 
If you do choose to tutor at the Florham Park Public Library during the course of the renovation, please be advised that:

  • Tutoring may only be conducted at designated tables or study rooms
  • Space is first-come-first-serve
  • If you are found tutoring in a “no tutoring” zone, you will be asked to relocate
  • Priority for use of the library facility is always given to Florham Park patrons who are using the space for quiet/independent study, browsing and using library collections, and forming connections to fellow community members

We thank you in advance for your cooperation. Our goal is to ensure our space remains peaceful and is shared equitably during construction.