The Library’s Databases by Subject page is a good place to look for resources to help you with your school projects. Keep your library card on hand! You will need to enter in your 13-digit barcode to access many of them. The list below contains some of our most frequently used resources for school-aged patrons.

  • Britannica Library

    Encyclopedic entries on everything from history and science to geography and biography provide the perfect starting point for your research…Continued

    Visit Britannica Library
  • EBSCOhost

    Choose a database and search for abstracts, full text journal articles, and encyclopedia entries on a wide variety of topics….Continued

    Visit EBSCOhost
  • Learning Express Library

    An e-learning solution that provides tools to students and professionals for academic skill-building, standardized test prep, career certification test prep…Continued

    Visit Learning Express Library
  • Help Now

    Students communicate with live, online tutors using an interactive, virtual whiteboard to chat, write, draw, copy/paste text or images, and…Continued

    Visit Help Now
  • Khan Academy

    Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own…Continued

    Visit Khan Academy
  • World Almanac for Kids

    A resource for student reports and research, including extensive, up-to-date articles; videos; interactive games; science projects; and Homework Help; plus…Continued

    Visit World Almanac for Kids
  • Primary Schools Explora

    Contains complete articles from elementary school magazines and encyclopedia entries. NEW USERS Getting Started with Primary Schools Explora Click on Go…Continued

    Visit Primary Schools Explora
  • Secondary Schools Explora

    Search online databases for articles in academic journals, magazines, and newspapers. NEW USERS Getting Started with Secondary Schools Explora Click…Continued

    Visit Secondary Schools Explora
  • Infobase Facts on File

    Access up-to-date information from authoritative sources on a wide variety of subjects.

    Visit Infobase Facts on File
  • Peterson’s Test and Career Prep

    Prepare for standardized tests with eBooks, online courses, and full-length practice tests for GED, SAT, ACT, AP, PSAT, GRE, LSAT,…Continued

    Visit Peterson’s Test and Career Prep

More Helpful Sites

  • U.S. Government Kids Portal – Websites for Grades 6-8 on topics such as Careers, Arts, Computers, Government, and Fun Stuff.
  • American Memory Collection of the Library of Congress – Search by topic and find historical documents, photos, maps, and audios.
  • – Includes subject guides, reference tools, news, and college information.

School Websites