The Shelf Kid’s Zone

Disfruta del mejor contenido premium en streaming! Música, películas, series, canales de TV, artes escénicas, podcasts, juegos y más. Los usuarios recibirán 5 entradas por semana para ver películas o actuaciones. Las series de televisión, el contenido infantil y los eventos en vivo no requieren entradas para verlos. Disponible en línea o desde su televisor … Continued

The Shelf

Disfruta del mejor contenido premium en streaming! Música, películas, series, canales de TV, artes escénicas, podcasts, juegos y más. Los usuarios recibirán 5 entradas por semana para ver películas o actuaciones. Las series de televisión, el contenido infantil y los eventos en vivo no requieren entradas para verlos. Disponible en línea o desde su televisor … Continued


TumbleMath has the most comprehensive collection of math stories available anywhere- all in our world famous TumbleBook format which combines animation, narration, and sound to create a compelling and enticing story book for students of all ages. The books are accompanied by supplementary materials such as lesson plans and quizzes. TumbleMath is a perfect complement … Continued

Primary Search

Primary Search provides full text for more than 70 popular, magazines for elementary school research. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles), and full text information dates as far back as 1990. NEW USERS Getting Started with Primary Search Note: If you already have an account with any of … Continued

NoveList K-8

Suggestions for fiction books and series. Find plot summaries, background on authors, reviews and questions for book groups, series titles, and match to similar books. NEW AND RETURNING USERS Getting Started with NoveList K-8 Note: If you already have an account with any of the following digital resources, you can use your existing username and password … Continued

World Almanac for Kids

A resource for student reports and research, including extensive, up-to-date articles; videos; interactive games; science projects; and Homework Help; plus Teacher Resources with lesson plans. NEW AND RETURNING USERS Getting Started with World Almanac for Kids Note: If you already have an account with any of the following digital resources, you can use your existing username … Continued

Hoopla Kids

Hoopla is a digital media service offered by the Florham Park Public Library that allows you to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics, and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your TV! With no waiting, titles can be streamed immediately, or downloaded to phones or tablets for offline … Continued

Tumble Book Library

TumbleBooks is an online collection of animated, talking picture books which teach young children the joys of reading in a format they’ll love. It is a fun site for children that promotes literacy. Read a book, listen to a book, or play a game – all online. Note: Library card or registration is not required … Continued

Kanopy Kids

Kanopy Kids provides thoughtful entertainment for children aged preschool and up. Parents and caregivers can stream videos from a curated selection of educational and enriching videos on Kanopy Kids with developmentally appropriate, age-based ratings, as well as additional parental controls to help keep kids safe. Kids’ categories include TV series, learning languages, animated storybooks, anime … Continued

Help Now

Students communicate with live, online tutors using an interactive, virtual whiteboard to chat, write, draw, copy/paste text or images, and graph homework problems. The SkillSurfer feature offers skills-building and test preparation assistance with the option to connect directly to a live tutor. All live tutoring sessions are saved and can be replayed as well as … Continued