Peterson’s Test and Career Prep

Prepare for standardized tests with eBooks, online courses, and full-length practice tests for GED, SAT, ACT, AP, PSAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, TOEFL, U.S. citizenship, and more in Gale Presents: Peterson’s Test and Career Prep. Research undergraduate and graduate programs, finding tuition assistance, and exploring and preparing for careers whether you’re entering the workforce for the … Continued


Aztec provides computer-based and personalized programs designed specifically for adult learners, from ABE through HSE and beyond. With a focus on core academic subject areas and career readiness⁠—always aligned with national standards and assessment blueprints⁠—our programs empower instructors to unlock each student to learn, grow, and reach their goals. To get set up with an … Continued


Brainfuse is a personalized, live tutoring platform built for students, job seekers, and veterans. Students communicate with live, online tutors using an interactive, virtual whiteboard to chat, write, draw, copy/paste text or images and graph homework problems. The SkillSurfer feature offers skills building and test preparation assistance with the option to connect directly to a … Continued